What's up with GFGF?
The GFGF e.V. emerged in 1978 from the "Funkhistorischer Interessenkreis", which was initiated by Karl Neumann in 1972 when he realised that in our "high-tech age", knowledge of the beginnings of radio technology and the safeguarding of the existing equipment stock was hardly a concern of public institutions or the manufacturing companies. Today, fortunately, there is a certain change of heart here. It is recognised that the history of technology is also part of cultural history. Nevertheless, there is still much to be done.
Anyone interested in radio history will find an almost unlimited field in which to "let off steam":
Whether you work as a radio historian and trace the history of people and companies, whether you collect historical radio, wireless or television equipment, whether you save historical documents from destruction, whether you deal with the production and application of electron tubes and semiconductors or even prove your craftsmanship as a restorer - in many, many fields there are exciting things to discover that are worth saving from oblivion.
If this appeals to you, you are very welcome in our circle.
We are over 2000 members, mainly from Germany, of course, but also from all neighbouring European countries and also from overseas. The GFGF has contacts to similar interest groups in other countries, to museums and other public institutions.
However, self-promotion is not exactly our strong point - so we prefer to let Arthur Konze have his say:
We are over 2000 members, mainly from Germany, but also from all neighbouring European countries and overseas.
We maintain contacts with similar interest groups in other countries, with museums and other public institutions and are pleased about every individual who helps to preserve history rather than forgetting it.