The current issue (276)...


...will be delivered at beginning of august and contains:


GFGF aktuell

  • Termine - Radiobörsen - Treffen
  • Leserpost
  • Leserpost: Mein Weg zum Amateurfunk


  • Der Stern Camping und seine Derivate


  • 100 Jahre Rundfunk in Leipzig - eine Jubiläumsausstellung in Markkleeberg


  • Bakelit, ein unverzichtbares Material in der Radioindustrie
  • Peter, Tonmöbelfabrik Plauen


  • Gerufon Planet 60W

Kommerzielle Technik

  • Hundert UKW-Sprechfunkkanäle im 4-m-Mobilfunkband für die Sicherheitsbehörden - Teil 2


  • Editorial
  • Impressum
  • Anzeigen


Previus issues of Funkgeschichte for download (PDF)

GFGF-Members can download previous issues of Funkgeschichte as a PDF-file. To do so, please enter user name and password in the members' area. If you are logged in, the older magazines will be visible further down on this page and you can read or download them.


Anyone, including non-members, can get an overview of the topics covered in the index file.

Indexed content of earlier issues:

Index of earlier issues (download) (362.1 KiB)


GFGF-Members receive the Funkgeschichte for free. It appears every two months and has technical articles, event and literature references, hints for restauration and an advertising market with exchange, purchase and wanted ads.

To see a preview at the latest issue of Funkgeschichte please scroll up to the top of this page.

Manuscript submissions:

Your contributions to the Funkgeschichte are always welcome. Please send them directly to the editorial office:
Heiner Kilian,
Bahnhofstr. 13,
30890 Barsinghausen,
Texts and pictures must be free of rights of third parties. The editors reserve the right to edit the texts and, if necessary, to supplement or shorten them. No liability can be accepted for unsolicited manuscripts, images and data carriers. It is advisable to contact the editors before writing extensive articles, to avoid unnecessary work. Notes for authors can be found here. (PDF, in german language only, sorry.)


Special Editions


the latest „Special Issue“ - containing some extracts from the regular edition.